Jenny Zhang /
The Singapore National Gallery is touted to be the new “Louvre of Asia” and with good reason. The gallery opened its doors in November 2015 and has become the center that houses Singapore’s past and showcases the best Southeast Asian art. The gallery seats on what was once the residence of the City Hall and the city and state’s Supreme Court. The change into the present marvel is an achievement that lasted ten years in the making at the cost of $345 million. However, that is not what makes it such a huge attraction. The main attraction is what it houses and here are top attractions that will blow your mind away.
The gallery is built on what was once government building and court where a lot of the nation’s historical events happened that include war crime trials, swearing-in of the nation’s first prime minister among other events. The buildings hold their history, from its design to commissioned use. Underneath the structures is a time capsule laid in 1937 by Governor Sir Thomas Shenton and it will be opened for viewing in the year 3000.
Singapore’s Supreme Court library is not just a building housing books and reference of law; the build exudes an aura that transcends the scholastic entities it houses. During the construction of the gallery, the library got a domed roof rested on high columns and refurbished bookshelves that hold archival materials.
When it comes to art, the “Boschbrand” steals the show; it is a 396 x 300 cm painting mounted on a wall in the Gallery 2 of the building. The massive mural is just among the more than 8,000 pieces of modern Southeast Asian and Singaporean works of art the showcase a diversity of artistic techniques and movements. Visitors can use a Gallery Explorer app to guide them through the various exhibits.
Singapore’s National Gallery has an entire section dedicated to teaching children about arts. It houses the Keppel Center of Art Education where children learn about color patterns and rhythms using puzzles, there is a fun gigantic tree house full of educational arts, and a room for people to go wild with their imaginations as they use crayons to scribble their art on paper. Children also get an up-close look at how an artist works in his studio.
Singapore is known for not just is art but also its culinary scene, and the gallery pays homage to its foods and drinks by housing different dining outlets. Visitors get to have a taste of the Asian art and also entice their taste buds with the local cuisine in various restaurants that give a view of Singapore’s sights and sounds.
The museum’s gift shop – the Gallery & Co. – is just one of its kind in the world. It strives to promote local designers, artists, and lifestyle brands by selling their creations. A catching feature is a huge gumball machine that dispenses solar-powered watches for $49 per piece.
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