• Fruits and Vegetables That Treat Dry Hair

    Our hair needs continuous nourishment to stay long thick and healthy. But often the environment we live in is against this. Pollution, heat, dry weather leads to bad hair health. In our science books in childhood days we read, fruits and vegetables help us to protect our body from diseases and ailments. So a cure for that dry hair of yours lies in fruits and vegetables only. Let us find out the secret notions hidden in fruits and vegetables to cure the dry hair.

    Dry hair


    Apple juice is known to protect the body from all ailments. That is why our books used to say “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Apple has a high percentage of water and vitamins. Vitamin E enriches the hair and makes it grow faster and healthier. The water content helps the hair to retain its moisture and prevents it from drying. Apple juice in shampoo will give a shiny appearance to your hair.


    Lemon is high in acidity and thus has a cleansing effect. It is known to be the best remedy for getting rid of dandruff. Those dry scales on your scalp can finally bid you goodbye with lemon. Lemon cleanses the dirt from the hair and keeps it moisturized. It also prevents the problems of dry hair.


    Banana will take care of your body as a whole and your skin and hair in particular. Vitamin A restores the oil and nutrition of the hair, and vitamin C helps the damaged hair to heal faster. Banana is rich in both these nutrients.


    Papaya is rich in vitamins. Vitamin C, an important antioxidant, is present in this fruit. Antioxidant slows the process of aging. For skin, papaya prevents and delays wrinkles. In the case of hair treatment, it heals the hair and helps it grow long and strong from the scalp. It also replenishes moisture in the hair.


    Peach acts as a beauty agent. We all know that. But peaches have much more benefits than nourishing the skin and making it grow. Peaches are rich in moisture content. They are the best fruits to cure dry skin and dry hair. They not only restore moisture in the hair, but also help new hair to retain moisture and stay beautiful.

    You could also try out our range of Vine Vera products for beautiful looking skin.

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