Singapore skyline from the water

    “I cannot rest from travel: I will drink. Life to the lees…” We can still hear echoes of modern day Ulysses who cannot settle at one place and they have this unquenchable desire to explore the unknown and discover new things. If this sounds like you then here are some useful tips that can be really useful to have a safe and fruitful journey around the globe.

    If you have recently acquired the desire to explore the world and discover the new destinations then we suggest that you do a little homework before you start. Following a tour guide or paying for a guided tour is an absolute no-no if you wish to make the most of your time and money while traveling. As a traveler, you can explore new places best when you are on your own and not when you are told what to do.

    So, after you have decided upon your next destination, make sure you do a little research that will help you during your trip. By research, we mean finding good places to stay, such as hotels close to the main attractions. Get some idea about the public transport and how you can save money and time on that.

    When you are visiting a new country, it always makes sense to have some knowledge about the culture of the country, the people, and the country’s heritage. If you could, get a hang of a few local words that can help you ask directions or greet the locals.

    You will find many online reviews from real travelers who have been to the country before. You can take their suggestions for places to eat, activities to enjoy, what to avoid and how to be safe and so on.

    You can keep some cash in different locations instead of keeping all at one place. So, even if there’s any pickpocketing, you won’t be devoid all your cash. Know the location of your country’s embassy and always remember the name of the hotel you are staying in.

    When you are on a trip, it is easy to get carried away and spend more than your budget. To avoid this, make a rough plan about how much you can afford on transportation cost, accommodation, etc so that you do not have any unpleasant surprises. You can also get some information online about good but cheap places to eat where you can enjoy tasty local food.

    A globetrotter carries his world with him and his backpack must have all the essentials he needs to survive. So, make sure you have a first aid kit in your bag with the basic medications that suit you, a good quality action camera (Gopro), the important smartphone/ camera chargers. Also, do not forget to carry a little sunscreen and other skin care essentials so that you are not embarrassed to pose for selfies.

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